Food Banks in Florida Video

Food Banks in Florida has put together a list of places where you can get help to put good healthy food on your table.

We put together a list of all the Food Banks in Florida that we could find. We list the food bank and food pantry locations by county to make it easy to find help anywhere in the state of Florida.

If you need help getting food for you and your family you are not alone.

The USDA has reported that food insecurity rates were significantly higher in 2020 compared to pre-pandemic levels, and food insecurity will likely remain a significant issue for many households in the coming years.

According to the latest data, over 2.9 million people in the state of Florida are food insecure, representing 13.4% of the state's population.

This means that many Floridians are unable to access or afford enough nutritious food to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

Food insecurity can have a significant impact on mental health. Those who experience food insecurity often report feeling anxious, stressed, and depressed.

These feelings can be particularly strong among kids, who may not understand why they do not have enough food to eat or may feel ashamed or embarrassed about their situation.

When people do not have access to healthy food, they may struggle to maintain their health and well-being.

This can lead to increased healthcare costs and decreased productivity at work.

It can also have broader implications for the state's economy, as a workforce that is not healthy and productive can hurt economic growth.

We have worked to put together a list of all of the food banks and food pantries in Florida.

To find the list of Food Banks by county visit our website and look for the search by counties page. Here you will see each county in Florida.

Click on the county you are in and you will find a list of all of the food banks and food pantries.